Welcome to the 3 Guys

Are you man enough to take the 3 Guys Trivia Challenge?

Oh, you think so, huh?

What follows are twenty questions ranging from facts about the cast and production team to random trivia that I thought was funny and has little, if any, connection to the show.

Participants with the highest scores will be in the running to recieve any number of wonderful prizes! (Which means mainly T-shirts)

So, do your best, keep your eyes on your own paper don't forget your TI-82. 
Be sure to include your name and address so we can contact you if you're a winner. 
Creative write-in answers will be considered!




1.) The original Broadway production of 3 Guys opened in… 
a. 1984  (Just as George Orwell predicted!) 
b. 1985 
c. 1986 
d. 1987 

3.) The composer of 3 Guys, Michael Rupert was most recently seen on
      Broadway in… 
a. Ragtime        
b. Cats! (Now and Forever? Sweet Jesus, why?) 
c. Miss Saigon 
d. Your Momma (Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, you got burned) 

5.) Which Cast/Production Team member will be spending next fall in 
a. Joel "England? Sweet, cause I'm Punk." Waage 
b. Tyler "Hey quick, let's steal a car" Rhoades 
c. Ashley "I have two X chromosomes" Ellsworth 
d. James "I like meat" DuRuz 

7.) Joel Waage has a big frickin' tattoo. It symbolizes… 
a. Lubricity 
b. Longevity 
c. Legacy 
d. Literacy 

9.) Tim Symons and James DuRuz were in a band called So's Your Face. 
     They played a song called "King Sampson".  It was good. 
     Finish this lyric: Walking around, wearing a crown… 
a. washing his car, goes to a bar 
b. washing his dog, goes to the bog 
c. doing your thing, being a king 
d. singing your song, building your bong 

11.) Tyler Rhoades was in the 1997, Village Theater production of  
        Born Yesterday. It was a small part but in the show he said… 
a. "Is that your dog?"        
b. "Here, let me help you with that." (note the innuendo) 
c. "…" 
d. "Would you like some?" (again, note the innuendo) 

13.) Ben Schrader used to be… 
a. fat 
b. chubby 
c. pudgy 
d. big-boned 

15.) Fuzzy Bunnies, Ink came into being with what short film? 
a. The Search for Pansy 
b. FBI's Big Thing of Stuff 
c. Beaver Lake Middle School's Video of Fun 
d. Funny Movie Titles are Hard to Write 

17.) The cast member with the most blatant, raw, animal-magnetism is… 
a. Tyler Rhoades 
b. Tyler Rhoades 
c. Peco, the top-secret, fourth cast member 
d. Tyler Rhoades 

19.) The entire Cast/Production team collaborated on Pippin in 1999, 
       what was the catch phrase for that production? 
a. Glory be to God 
b. Be a Sex Machine        
c. City Kid…? (followed by laughter) 
d. Tim's dumb 
2.) When it originally premiered, 3 Guys won the…
a. Tony for best New Musical
b. The Drama Desk Award for Best Book of a Musical
c. A barrel of cheese in a raffle at the state fair
d. The adoration of millions… (ok, maybe thousands)

4.) Jerry Colker and Michael Rupert have both appeared on
     Broadway in...
a. Sweet Charity
b. Pippin
c. West Side Story
d. tight pants

6.) In the 1996 production of Joseph…, Tyler Rhoades played…
a. Dan
b. Asher
c. Blitzen
d. Chess with Jonah Cosley

8.) James DuRuz also has a tattoo, a stylized red and yellow "S".
     It symbolizes…
a. The fact that he's a geek and reads a lot of comic books.
b. His undying love for the hunky television actor, Dean Cain.
c. Lubricity.
d. That he lost a bet.

10.) Speaking of So's Your Face, Ben Schrader sang what song 
       with the band at their final concert?
a. "I would walk five hundred miles"	
b. "Paul Revere's Ride"
c. "Let it be"
d. "Let's get it on"

12.) Joel Waage has also done some of the ol' acting. He has an 
       eerie track record of playing numerous…
a. Morticians
b. Men named "Chuck"
c. Farmers
d. Pimp-Daddy-Macs

14.) Tim Symons' first job as a Music Director was on…
a. the short-lived public access show "Issy kids"
b. The Wiz (Starring a James DuRuz as "The Messenger")
c. Hello, This is Tim (one man show)
d. Godspell (Starring James DuRuz as "The Tinman")

16.) Ashley Ellsworth, set designer extraordinaire, was once an 
       employee of…
a. Tawdry Tina's House of Ill-Repute 
b. Eddie Bauer (They have nice socks)
c. Zoopas (That rhymes with "poopas", ha-ha!)

18.) If three guys really were naked in this show it would be 
a. porn. 
b. a roman holiday.
c. a fallacy!
d. good for business.

20.) You are planning on seeing the show…
a. once (don't mark this answer)
b. twice (this one is incorrect, I promise)
c. three times (no)
d. fifteen times, maybe even twenty































Well, there you have it, the 3 Guys Trivia Challenge in all of its splendor!

But, you're not quite done yet... you have to turn in your answers if you want to win!

So, you've got two options to choose from
Either print out this form, mark your answers and send them to:
3 Guys Trivia Challenge
PO Box 1748 
Issaquah,WA 98027 




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