3 Guys is the story of  Ted, Phil and Kenny - Three wild and out of control stand-up comics
who form a "Marx Brothers, Ritz Brothers, Three Stooges gang of funny guys" except with
a modern tone of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. They find themselves with the opportunity to
do their act on the Tonight Show and from there, it's a whirl-wind of  success: Television, 
World Tours, even a Major Motion Picture. All the while, they find themselves faced with 
the questions of fame, responsibility, family and mortality.   
Ted Klausterman 
Early 20's. From the Midwest. Yale University dropout. Charming. Ambitious. 
A leader. Shifts easily between the intellectually profound and the profoundly silly. Quintessential,
young comedy club M.C. who has gone from being afraid of success to craving it.

Kenny Brewster 
Early 20's. A Zen-Catholic-Conceptual-Comic, (whatever that may mean.) The
guilelessness of a child coupled with the inner torment of a religous fanatic. Kenny's "comedy" is
his sole means of communication, he mixes the familiar with the bizarre. Lovable and tragic.

Phil Kunin
 Mid 20's. From New York. Harvard Law School dropout. Macho, very intense. 
Extremely volatile. He is constantly finding and losing his sense of humor, making him likable...
and a little frightening. He is just starting out as a stand-up comic and is torn between career and



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