User Interface Screens

System Monitoring Screen


All System functions can be monitored and modified from either the standard System
interface or the optional Dynamic Graphic interface package.


Troubleshooting Screen

The Troubleshooting screen allows for detailed monitoring
and manual override of any Zone input or output.


Zone History Screen

The Zone History option graphs space temperature with the click of a button.


RSC Configuration Screen

Each Zone can be individually configured from this screen.


Change Setpoints Screen

Double-clicking with the mouse on any Zone will bring up the Change Setpoints dialog.
Setpoints and setback override times can be changed from this screen.


Chinese Version of RSC Configuration Screen

When toggled to the Chinese mode, the temperature setpoints are automatically displayed in
Centigrade and the Zone description can now be entered in Chinese.


Chinese Version of Change Setpoints Screen

When in Chinese mode, double-clicking with the mouse on any Zone
will bring up the Chinese Change Setpoints dialog.



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