By Sam Shepard

February 2001, Yale University

Directed by Adam Chanzit

Lee: James DuRuz, Austin: David Mount, Saul: Brian Johnson, Mom: Emily Guilmette


“…DuRuz and Mount are incomparable. They each bring a perfect intonation, natural bearing and self-awareness to Shepard’s already complex characters… DuRuz’s Lee is frenzy personified – threatening yet tormented, manipulative yet defensive… DuRuz and Mount take the production to the next level, effortlessly communicating every subtlety of the playwright’s language as if it had been their own…Together, they rule the stage with a visceral authenticity that I had not yet seen at the amateur level…”

From The Yale Herald, February 16th 2001

“…Mount and DuRuz shine, as they both manage to stay one step ahead of the clichés… DuRuz expresses the latent violence of the frustrated, uneducated, directionless Lee without descending into stereotypes of brutality. He carefully lays out the psychological split within Lee that allows him to be simultaneously a violent extortionist and a skilful golfer and negotiator…”

From the Yale Daily News, February 16th 2001

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