What follows are just a couple of pictures I had. I tried to write something about the summer but, I couldn’t quite find the words.

If you have anything - pictures, anecdotes, etc. send them over to me and I'll post them.

Thank you to everyone.

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Oh yeah... and that Pippin kid



The Cast:										The Production Crew:	
Ben Schrader							     James DuRuz
Tyler Rhoades						     Tim Symons
Nina Ragaz							     Jamie Roberts
Kathleen Young						     Michelle Mizumori
Ryan "Rook" Brookman				     Ashley Ellesworth
Jonah Cosley							     Joel Wagge
Alisa Eddy							     Nels Weber
Jimmy Taylor							     Brooke Gardner
Josh Wheeler							     Morgan Brady
Neal Tognazzini						     Ms. Kandis Kopelke	
Alex Seal							     And of course many more...
Elyse Roberts
Chris Monsos
Kristopher McGuire
Lisa McCune
Lindsay Krause
Shaina Kissinger
Morgan Doocy
Jessica DiSalvo
Laura Ciaccia
Audrey Cain
Mo Brady
Phil Boisseau
Adam Avery                                                                    




The Album